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Selling Promotional Products as a B2B Company...


Do you want to...


The "NEW way" for "B2B" companies like yours!

The industry's ONLY "Independent Distributor" platform for B2B companiesNo ASI, PPAI / SAGE Memberships or Technology Subscriptions required. Your membership & tools are FREE - paid for and provided by our Supplier Group!

Presenting your NEW INCOME STREAM:
A Turn-Key Distributor Platform for Increased Profits. Here is what is included:

* Your own free e-Commerce enabled website, with no hosting fees. Website creation, set-up & support is fully paid for by our platform supplier group - with no on-going fees
* Research Software - Over 500,000 brandable products, with over 500 top-tier industry suppliers. All support & maintenance fees are paid for by our platform supplier group - with no annual subscription fees
Your Research Tools include:
~ Full Search Engine with multiple Search Filters
~ Presentation Software
~ Built-in CRM & Order Management systems
~ Artwork & Proof Management systems
~ Complete Management Dashboard
~ Complete Supplier Contact information - by State, Region or Nationally
* Full Website, Technology & Research Support
* 24/7 Access to our extensive "platform training video library"
* Unlimited Email, Text & Phone Support
* Small, "one-time-only" connection fee with NO royalties or profit-splitting

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Isn't it time to increase your revenues and profits with promotional products? We think so.

These profits COULD BE your profits. You should think so, too!

The industry's newest marketing platform is READY FOR YOU NOW!

Distributors First has eliminated all the traditional industry barriers...

No membership fees. No tech subscription fees.

It's an easy fix. Just plug in and start your marketing...

You now have "new income" from existing clients!


    Your Business Customers buy promotional products...
    But not from you.

    This is 'LOST' revenue & profits for your company.

    FACT: 93% of all businesses buy promotional products
    FACT: The average order is $1,000 - the average profit is $400

    The QUESTION IS...

    Do you know how much money you are losing?


    Will surprise you....

    According to the promotional products industry, a survey revealed the average ANNUAL budgets that companies of all sizes spend on promotional products. The survey included over 1,662 companies with over 3,000 buyers.


    7% - no appreciable budgets ($0 - $2,500 per year)

    21.2% - budgets between $2,501 - $10,000 per year

    41.5% - budgets between $10,001 - $100,000 per year

    30.3% - budgets greater than $100,000 per year


    Businesses buy promotional products multiple times (2 to 6 times) per year.


    Just like your business, they have multiple events to promote every year.

    New Years...
    Business Anniversaries...
    Cllient Appreciation Days...
    Grand Openings...
    Grand Re-Openings...
    New Ownership...
    Annual Trade Shows...
    Product Lines to introduce...

    Promotional Products, without question, are one of the most cost effective advertising mediums businesses choose to promote their companies & causes.

    Shouldn't your customers be buying them from you?

    We think so!


    Start offering promotional products to your business clients & customers.

    It's easier than you think.

    Once they know they can buy their promotional products from you...they will.

    Why? Because they are your customers and they are already there.

    The Distributors First platform makes it that simple!


    This illustration reveals one of two things:

    What you are missing...
    What you could be gaining...

    How many business customers do you have?

    25 - 50 - 100 - 250 More?


    Your customers buy promotional products from you 4 times per year.

    The average order is $1,000...
    The average profit is $400...

    You have 50 clients x 4 orders per year x $400 profit = $80,000 in profits for your company.

    That's what you are losing if you "can't & don't"...

    That's what you are gaining if you "will & do"...

    $80,000 is on the table.

    Your $80,000
    ~ OR ~
    Someone else's $80,000

    Your Choice...

  • the industry

    26+ billion dollars in sales.
    A million moving parts: Suppliers, Products, Vendors, Service Providers, Teachers, Trainers, Annual Membership Fees & Tech Subscription Fees, Closed Distribution System with impossible qualifications

    How do you connect the dots?
    How do you find the best suppliers?
    Who do you know? Who do you trust?
    Too complicated?
    Distributors First makes it simple

    What Distributors First is NOT:

    We are not a franchise. We are not a business opportunity. There are no royalties or profit-splitting with us.

    You don't need to buy a have a company.

    100% of all the profits you generate are your profits...shared with no one.

    What your business needs is more revenue. More profits. Plain and simple.

    We also are not a "distributor" looking to establish "dealers" for Distributors First. You won't be selling anything through Distributors First.

    (NOTE: If you choose to become a dealer for a distributor, be prepared to split all the profits 50/50 with the house. Losing 50% of the profits to someone else is way too much to pay.)

    A dealership is not a business model you should aspire to.

    What Distributors First uniquely provides is a marketing platform for independent distributors, with NO "QUALIFYING" requirements... No hoops to jump through.

    Distributors First is here to help you make all the money...and keep all the money!

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    Distributors First - your new "independent" option

    We've solved all the problems, eliminated all the barriers:

    No Industry Membership Fees or Tech Fees required.
    All the profits are yours...
    All the customers are yours...
    A one-time-only enrollment fee, that produces lifetime revenue with FULL profits and FULL support. Everything independendent distributors need for success!


    Distributors First PROVIDES THAT connection.

    Having removed all the "industry-imposed" barriers & fees, we help you get this profit stream fully launched and operational ASAP.

    No strings attached.

    Our program delivers the most powerful brand new "independent" platform for B2B companies to service their customers and clients.

    All your tools are provided: Integrateable "e-commerce" enabled website, product research software, built-in order management & CRM systems, full tech support with unlimited email & phone support.

    Your job is to tell your customers you can!

    Let them know.

    Tens of thousands of dollars of "new revenue" will be yours from old customers and clients. Just because, now you can.

    Does this 'connection' cost something? Sure.

    Our entrepreneur start-up folks get all this and more for just under $1,300.00. They require lots of training, hand-holding and extra business coaching...

    You already run a business. We don't need to teach you that.

    You just need to know the ground rules of the promotional products world, the inside-track...and THAT we can can teach you.

    Our Distributors First "B2B" enrollment (connection) is
    a one-time-only fee of just $697.00. Everything else is FREE. Period.

    For a lifetime revenue stream from customers who love doing business with you. Customers who will be glad to give you their promotional products business.

    Because now they can...because you told them.

    A true "Win - Win"
    For your business and your customers.

The B2B Advantage...
Quick Quick Questions

    • INDEPENDENT DISTRIBUTOR CREDENTIALS: Recognition by suppliers and vendors throughout the industry, with NO membership fees required. Distributors First is the connecting point to this independent platform. This saves your company from $1,000 to $2,000 or more every year in traditional industry fees.

    • WEBSITE: A beautiful, e-commerce enabled front facing website, that can be stand alone, or an extension of your company website, presenting over 500,000 products in every "branding" category for your clients. The site is FREE and includes your hosting....paid for by our platform supplier partners.

    • RESEARCH PLATFORM: The software houses all your "tech" tools: Search Engine. Detailed Supplier Information. Presentation Software. CRM. Order Management System. Artwork & Proof Management. There are no tech subscriptions for your research platform. All support and maintenance is paid for and provided by our supplier partners.

    • UNLIMITED "TECH TEAM" SUPPORT: For your website & research platform tools, via phone, email or chat during business hours.

    • DISTRIBUTORS FIRST SUPPORT SERVICES: Unlimited email, text & phone support.
    • FULL INDUSTRY PROFITS: No royalties or commission splits with anyone.

    • EQP PRICING BONUS: A three month FREE TRIAL - Preferred pricing from one of the industry's most powerful independent buying groups. Hundreds of suppliers, thousands of products. This will allow you to compete with the BIG online sellers.

    • NO ADDITIONAL FEES to Distributors First – Our platform enrollment is a one-time-only investment.

  • Simple answer...not much in the real world. The total cost for our complete promotional products independent distributor platform is a "one-time-only" enrollment of $697.00 - which includes your "qualified" connection to the supplier platform via Distributors First, your website setup, research software installed, tech support in place, training materials & video library in hand, and your direct "unlimited" support from Distributors First.

    No Industry Memberships to pay for. No Technology Subscriptions to buy. No impossible qualifications to meet.

    This is a life-time expansion for your company ~ producing greater cashflow, greater profits...with a one-time-only enrollment: "Small Price ~ Fast ROI ~ Big Returns"

  • Industry Facts: Average size order is $1,000.00 ($400 profit for you) ~ A couple of orders a week can change the trajectory of your business!

    Industry Facts: Average profits on sales - 40%

    Part-time profits - Several thousand $$$ per month +/-: $2,000 - $3,000 - $4,000 or more a month. Many distributors do!

    Full-time income - five & six figure incomes can be added to your bottom line!

    Average annual distributor sales three years in = $400,000+ per year - $150,000 - $160,000 +/- annual distributor profits. A real opportunity for your company.

    92% of clients become repeat buyers! Repeat orders bring growth and stability to your income

    Industry Facts: Clients buy on average 2 to 6 times year depending on their promotional needs

    It's a 26+ Billion-Dollar industry...

  • Using the example I provided in my "flip sign" section above (THE SOLUTION), let's imagine your 50 clients buy the average order ($1,000) four times each year, yielding 40% average profit. You've generated $200,000 in "new" sales from "old customers" and captured $80,000 in additional "new" profits that you were previously losing to other distributors. That's a great business correction!

    This begs the many clients do you have? It could be more, it could be less. The point is, your business clients keep coming back. The point is, they buy promotional products. And now, they can buy them from you.

    This is not about trying to impress you with BIG numbers. I prefer to be conservative when discussing income potential.

    Bottom line? You'll sell what you sell...and, you'll make what you make.

    So let me reduce this to the ridiculous: It will only take 1, maybe 2 average client orders to create this new revenue stream for your company. From that point forward, you've won the lottery!

    A 100% "ROI" could be yours in a matter of days or weeks, not months or years! It could even happen "tomorrow" with just one order!

    Distributors First? Yes. A great correction for your company.

  • Why wait? Pick up the phone and give me a call. Let’s get all your questions answered. We can have this new platform solidly in place, in as little as 10 - 14 days. Then the excitement profits from old clients & customers!

Bottom Line?

Distributors First is your "B2B" connecting point.

Your total one-time-only enrollment for this lifetime revenue connection is just $697.00. No additional fees are due to Distributors First or our platform partners.

(Our entrepreneur clients invest nearly $1,300.00 for this same program because they need business coaching in addition to the platform. New start-up companies need more handholding and coaching in this process...)

You don't.

Our new, independent Promotional Products Distributor Platform is the shortest distance between where you are now and where you could be. Where we think you should be!

Couldn't your business use an extra $2,000 to $10,000 or more...every month from existing & new clients?

On top of the new revenue you will experience, your "ROI" will automatically happen just by ordering "self-promotion" products for your company - just these savings alone will cover the entire cost of our program.


Let's get started and create something amazing!

sage distributor website
Contact us
Getting in touch is easy. Give me a call or send me an email with questions or comments.

You are literally as few as 10 days away from adding this amazing income stream to your business!

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