Distributors First & Vince Whaley. What can I say about the best promotional products distributor program on the planet. Too high of praise? I think not!
I have been a client of Distributors First for almost seven years. Vince and I have had many conversations regarding my business and the promotional products industry specifically. There is also a strong coaching element that Vince provides, that is truly unique for new promotional products distributors. I was taken back by how personal Vince’s advice was, like he really cared about my business. And beyond the initial fee, I have never had to pay another dime for his help or advice. Who does that?
My business has grown every year, even through Covid-19. Whenever I have a question, which it seems like I always do, Vince always takes my call. What has developed is not just a business relationship, but a friendship.
The promotional products industry is thriving. Listen to what Vince has to say. Then apply yourself, and then start talking to people. Show them you are there to help their businesses grow, just like Vince has helped my business grow. It is as simple as that.
My last thought is, I looked at every program or method out there to start this business. I chose Distributors First because it was the best program. I have never been disappointed in that decision.